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Restoration of 125 year old log cabin
Brooklin, Maine

The cabin after restoration:
(Scroll down to see before photos followed by more photos of the completed restoration.)

photo of restored naskeag cabin

photo of restored naskeag cabin

…and the cabin before resoration:

photo of naskeag cabin before restoration

photo of naskeag cabin before restoration

photo of naskeag cabin exterior wall before restoration

photo of naskeag cabin porch before restoration

…and the cabin afer restoration:

photo of restored naskeag cabin chimney

photo of restored naskeag cabin chimney

photo of restored naskeag cabin door from outside

photo of restored naskeag cabin door from inside

photo of restored naskeag cabin kitchen

photo of restored naskeag cabin interior

photo of restored naskeag cabin closeup of fireplace

photo of restored naskeag cabin interior

photo of restored naskeag cabin rafters and painting

photo of restored naskeag cabin rafters and chandeliers

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